I am a 50 year old man, I have been in love once in my life, married once in my life, but enjoyed with different look of my wife in numbers of time a year. I felt I have been living with a different person.
Thanks to weight gain and losses, in 31 years of my marriage I have not made up my mind yet, why women are very health conscious? Or they are concerned about their looks?
When men put on weight you will not see them worried as such, it is not the big issue, when they will reach to last hook hole they will just change the belt. Women on the other hand have to do something to keep up and stay young looking.
It is fine with me I have no issue with that I will just sit back and enjoy my meal and watch them grow bigger and bigger for some time then few months later watch them return to the original look. I enjoyed the look, I’ve felt someone else in dark, ever green women. I do not care.
Today I am almost 50 years old, and last year we were on our holiday. I realised my mistake of not looking after myself, when I went to counter for the key of my room as I cannot carry my plastic key to pool. The guy at the reception desk said: your daughter has taken the key already. She is my wife i said – I am sorry sir you look much older than her and she looks very young.
Anyway, i did control the situation by lying I said to the guy she is my new wife and she married me for my money.
Looking after your self will not just keep you healthy but keeps you young and fit too.
This experience does help me in my business of Indian wedding services provider and wedding planner: look after your customer, their guests & only then you will last long and will be in shape. Because women does eat less but, eat healthy food and men will eat lot until they drop and gain weight and the wife will becomes scale and says: “I feel like you are another man”
Finally, you are welcome to visit my website in Author resouses box and tel me how did you find my New Tom cruse look yaar,specialy the hair style, the picture was taken in Nile cruse in Egypt , the person sitting next to me is my Indian Bride ,after 32 years together I have seen her grow ,thanks to Halal chicken Tikka, we had many disagreement ,Last one was four years ago for choosing my reading glasses frame on NHS , Thank you for your visit.